ECG and Intracardiac Tracings: A Toolkit Approach for Analyzing Arrhythmias - Klein - 9781942909255
ECG and Intracardiac Tracings: A Toolkit Approach for Analyzing Arrhythmias - Klein - 9781942909255
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ECG and Intracardiac Tracings: A Toolkit Approach for Analyzing Arrhythmias + Strategies for ECG Arrhythmia Diagnosis
ISBNs: 9781942909255 and 9781942909248
ECG and Intracardiac Tracings: A Toolkit Approach for Analyzing Arrhythmias
Written and Edited By: George J. Klein, MD, FRCPC; Professor of Medicine, Division of Cardiology, Western University, London, Ontario, Canada
Product Details:
ISBN: 9781942909255
eISBN: 9781942909323
December 2018
Trim Size: 11 x 8.5, landscape
224 pages, full color interior
Format: Paperback; eBook only
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From master teacher George J. Klein, MD, this stepwise book is for those with a working knowledge of electrophysiology who have looked at a complicated ECG or intracardiac tracing and drawn a blank, not recognizing a pattern from their personal experience, and without a good idea of how to proceed or venturing a guess with variable confidence. Dr. Klein presents strategies that he has found useful, not just by providing an “answer,” but also exploring how he solved the problem with a systematic approach using “tools” of analysis that applies to both ECGs and EGM tracings.
With considerable gratitude to him, I dedicate this book encapsulating an approach to the analysis of ECG and EGM tracings to my old friend and colleague Mark E. Josephson (1943–2017). He is, of course, universally known for his role in bringing the exciting but largely theoretical field of electrophysiology to clinical application, and his book of electrophysiology, Clinical Cardiac Electrophysiology: Techniques and Interpretation, is widely acknowledged to be the “bible” of electrophysiology.
However, I don’t think I would get too much disagreement from generations of trainees and students in saying that his major love was teaching, be it one-on-one with his trainees or in front of a large audience come to learn during one of his courses. What always impressed me was his unbridled and infectious enthusiasm, especially for the interesting tracing. This could be intimidating to some of his students initially, but it was guaranteed to get them involved in the issue at hand.
It is with considerable humility that I have tried to capture some of the deductive thinking and problem solving that he was so good at. Rarely at a loss for words and very quick, Mark would be a very difficult act to follow for most of us. Hopefully, a methodical approach using what I call the “tools” of analysis can bring us a little closer to his excellence.
I have included one of my favorite pictures of Mark during happy times with his wife Joan, his lifelong best friend and soulmate.
- George J. Klein
Table of Contents:
Chapter 1 Choosing Cognitive Tools: The Essence of ECG and Electrogram Tracing Diagnosis
Chapter 2 Value of Diagnostic Tables, Framing the Problem, and Hypothesis Testing
Chapter 3 The Power of Calipers, Measurement, and Magnification
Chapter 4 The Complex Tracing: The Zone Strategy
Chapter 5 Transition Zones: Importance of the Onset and Termination of Tachycardia
Chapter 6 Transition Zones: Ectopic Beats and Cycle Irregularity
Chapter 7 Exploration of the “Sidelines”
Chapter 8 Explanatory Notes and Tables of Differential Diagnosis
A unique and logical approach to understanding or sleuthing complex rhythms and electrograms - complete with many “a-hah” moments!
- Dr. Barry Karas