Pocket Guide to Diagnostic Cardiac Catheterization - Kacharava 9781935395355

Pocket Guide to Diagnostic Cardiac Catheterization
Pocket Guide to Diagnostic Cardiac Catheterization

Pocket Guide to Diagnostic Cardiac Catheterization - Kacharava 9781935395355

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Pocket Guide to Diagnostic Cardiac Catheterization

Authors: Andro G. Kacharava MD; Stephen D. Clements Jr. MD; A. Maziar Zafari MD

Foreword by Spencer B. King III, MD

Product Details:
Published November 2015
ISBN: 9781935395355
Trim: 6 x 9 inches
304 pages, full color interior
Format: Paperback and eBook set; eBook


“This is an invaluable resource and a go-to guide for any fellow, student, or practitioner involved with the cardiac catheterization laboratory. The figures and videos are colorful and provide step-by-step instructions for various invasive cardiac procedures, and the authors provide valuable pearls to ensure success from day one in the lab.”

The Pocket Guide to Diagnostic Cardiac Catheterization provides general cardiology fellows, nurses, and technicians entering the cardiac catheterization laboratory a practical guide addressing key aspects of left and right heart catheterization, selective coronary angiography, and the utilization of other invasive cardiology procedures for diagnostic purposes.

Written by a team of physicians from Emory University Hospital’s Cardiac Catheterization Laboratories, practical pearls of wisdom about the technical aspects of cardiac catheterization and other invasive cardiology procedures are presented with step-by-step instructions and easy-to-follow illustrations in this quick reference of essential material.

Also included is a chapter with video clips that highlight the role and technical versatility of the multipurpose catheter in cardiac catheterization—a technique developed, taught, and learned over many generations in the cardiac catheterization laboratories at Emory University.


Andro G. Kacharava, MD, PhD; Emory University School of Medicine; Atlanta VA Medical Center, Atlanta, Georgia

Stephen D. Clements, Jr., MD, Emory Healthcare, Atlanta, Georgia

A. Maziar Zafari, MD, PhD; Emory University School of Medicine; Atlanta VA Medical Center, Atlanta, Georgia

Foreword by Spencer B. King lll, MD

Table of Contents:

About the Authors
Video Files of Multipurpose (MP) Catheter Manipulation
The Laws of Dr. F. Mason Sones
1. A Brief History of Cardiac Catheterization

History of a Procedure

2. The Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory

Catheterization Laboratory Equipment

Contrast Agents

Radiation Exposure and Safety

3. The Tools

Percutaneous Access Needles


Vascular Sheaths and Dilators



4. Precatheterization Care

The Rule of the Rules

5. Vascular Access

Percutaneous Vascular Access

Femoral Artery Approach

Brachial Artery Approach

Radial Artery Approach

Femoral Vein Approach

Jugular Vein Approach

Subclavian Vein Approach

Basilic Vein Approach

6. Coronary, Renal, and Mesenteric Angiography

Angiographic Views and Projections

Indications and Contraindications of the Procedures

Selective Cannulation of the Native Left Coronary Artery (LCA)

Amplatz Coronary Catheter for Femoral, Left Brachial, or Radial Approaches

Selective Cannulation of the Native Right Coronary Artery (RCA)

Selective Cannulation of the Renal and Mesenteric Arteries

7. The Multipurpose Catheter

Historical Background

Multipurpose Catheter Basics

Torque and Rotation

Left Ventriculography with the Multipurpose Catheter

Right Coronary Artery (RCA) Cannulation

Left Coronary Artery (LCA) Cannulation

Coronary Bypass Grafts

Challenging Conditions

8. Angiography of Coronary Bypass Grafts

Venous and Free Arterial Grafts

Pediculed Arterial Grafts

9. Left and Right Ventriculography, Aortography, and Pulmonary Angiography

Radiologic Anatomy of the Heart and Left Ventriculography

Entering the Left Ventricle

Radiologic Anatomy of the Heart and Right Ventriculography


Pulmonary Artery Angiography

10. Right Heart Catheterization

Indications and Contraindications of the Procedure

Femoral Vein Approach

Right Internal Jugular Vein Approach

Cannulation of the Coronary Sinus

11. Right and Left Heart Hemodynamics

Cardiac Hemodynamics

Interpretation of Right and Left Heart Pressure Tracings

Cardiac Output Measurement

Pulmonary and Systemic Vascular Resistance

12. Shunt Detection and Calculation

Oximetry for Shunt Calculations

13. Endomyocardial Biopsy

Indications and Contraindications of the Procedure

Jugular Vein Approach

Femoral Vein Approach

Femoral Artery Approach

14. Pericardiocentesis

Indications and Contraindications of the Procedure

Subxiphoid Approach

Apical Approach

15. Intra-Aortic Balloon Pump (IABP) Placement

Indications and Contraindications of the Procedure

Femoral Artery Approach

Left Brachial Artery Approach

16. Temporary Transvenous Pacemaker Placement

Indications and Contraindications of the Procedure

Femoral Vein Approach

Right Internal Jugular Vein Approach

17. Post-Cardiac Catheterization Care

Documentation of the Procedure

Vascular Access Site Closure

Obtaining Hemostasis of the Radial Arteriotomy Site

18. Approach to Complex Cases in Cardiac Catheterization

Left Main (LM) Coronary Artery Stenosis

Coronary Anomalies

Coronary Spasm and Myocardial Bridge

Aortic Stenosis

Pulmonic Stenosis

Mitral Stenosis

Tricuspid Stenosis

Tricuspid Regurgitation

Aortic Regurgitation

Mitral Regurgitation

Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy

Cardiac Tamponade

Restrictive Cardiomyopathy versus Constrictive Pericarditis

Pulmonary Hypertension

Simple Cardiac Shunts

19. Useful Formulae and Normal Values


Doody’s Review Service

Parham Parto,  MD, MPH(Ochsner Clinic Foundation)

Authored by a team of physicians from Emory University Hospital, this is a well-written pocket guide to the techniques and strategies used in diagnostic cardiac catheterization. The book uses a step-by-step approach and includes important pearls and technical recommendations. Color illustrations further help support the recommended techniques.

The purpose is to provide an introduction to the cardiac catheterization laboratory, as well as a guide to techniques used by experts in diagnostic catheterization.

The intended audience includes residents, fellows, and practitioners in the field of cardiology involved in patient care in the cardiac catheterization laboratory.

This concise pocket book covers all aspects of the cardiac catheterization laboratory, serving as a guide for fellows in the catheterization laboratory starting from day one. Each chapter discusses and illustrates everyday laboratory essentials, from most common equipment to catheterization techniques, includes many pearls and need-to-know facts, and concludes with a list of resources for further reference.

This is an invaluable resource and a go-to guide for any fellow, student, or practitioner involved with the cardiac catheterization laboratory. The figures and videos are colorful and provide step-by-step instructions for various invasive cardiac procedures, and the authors provide valuable pearls to ensure success from day one in the lab.