Videos from Transcatheter Closure of ASDs and PFOs: A Comprehensive Assessment

These videos illustrate content for Chapter 34: "The pfm Device for ASD Closure" (pages 423-429) by Miguel Granja, MD, and Franz Freudenthal, MD.


Transcatheter Closure - Movie 1: PDA-R sequence

Transcatheter Closure - Movie 2: ASD R sequence

Transcatheter Closure - Movie 3: ASD TEE echo

Transcatheter Closure - Movie 4: Left atrial disc configuration

Transcatheter Closure - Movie 5: Waist and right atrial disc configuration

Transcatheter Closure - Movie 6: Pull and push on fluoro

Transcatheter Closure - Movie 7: Pull and push on echo

Transcatheter Closure - Movie 9: PFO Snare Recovery

Transcatheter Closure - Movie 8: Detachment on fluoro

Transcatheter Closure - Movie 10 - Biopsy forceps recovery

Videos courtesy of Dr. Miguel Granja and Dr. Franz Freudenthal.