Home > For Authors > Submission Guidelines
Author Submission Guidelines
Cardiotext Publishing requests that all authors, volume editors, and contributors to multi-author works follow these guidelines. If you are a contributor to a multi-author work, please check the Author Instructions from your editor for specific information regarding style, length, figure count, and format.
Please contact Carol Syverson [carol.syverson at Cardiotext.com]. with any questions.
Submission Guideline Documents:
Manuscript Format
Submit your manuscript electronically as a Microsoft Word file (extension ".docx").
Submit all figures as separate graphics files (.eps or .tiff preferred); do not place in Word documents or PowerPoint. (See below for graphics file format guidelines.)
Submit each chapter as a separate file that has one-inch margins, is double-spaced, and is in twelve-point Times New Roman.
Please keep formatting to a minimum: Use italics instead of underlining. Be consistent in formatting headings to indicate their levels (e.g., Header 1 for first level, Header 2 for second level, Header 3 for third level, etc.), or simply label heads in brackets (e.g.: [A] A-Head). Use a consistent convention throughout your manuscript.
Where a figure should be inserted in the layout, please type on a separate line in bold. Use the first number to represent the chapter number and the second to represent the sequential order of the images. [Insert Figure 1.1, Insert Figure 1.2, etc.].
On the line following "[Insert Figure . . .]," provide the title of the figure (set the figure number in bold, but not the caption (e.g., Figure 1.1 Coronary Venography) and the credit line, if the image is not your own, using the exact wording for the permission as dictated by the copyright holder.
If your image features multiple panels, please describe this in the caption. Be sure to label each panel in the image. For example. Figure 1.2 Patterns of LSG nerve activity. Panel A: Low amplitude burst discharge activity. Panel B: High amplitude spike burst activity.
Similarly, Tables should follow the same format. For example, Table 1.1 Medications and their generic equivalents
Videos should also be called out in the text, but their legends will appear at the end of the chapter, following the references.
Submit your text in one document with the elements in the following order:
1. Body
2. References
3. Tables
4. Figure legends
5. Video legends (if applicable). Provide a title and a brief description of the content of the video (like a figure legend), with time stamp reference if applicable.
6. List of previously unpublished images provided by contributors to the chapter.
Each figure legend should include a description and a complete credit line (see Permissions and Courtesies section). Include titles for all figures.
The manuscript should include references to the figures (as well as captions and credit lines) so it is clear where each image is to be placed.
File names should correspond to figure numbers in the manuscript (e.g., Figure 5.1.tif).
Bibliographic Style
Cardiotext follows AMA style for references. See example.
Contributors, please check the Author Instructions for your book for the bibliographic style specified for your book.
Materials, where appropriate, should be referenced.
Cite all references by number in the text and list them in order of citation at the end of the chapter. Limit the number of nonconsecutive citations to a reasonable number.
References should be endnotes
Please note: Figures may be subject to changes to match the style requirements of Cardiotext Publishing.
File Formats
TIFF and EPS files are preferred.
JPEGs are also acceptable.
Quality (Resolution) and Appearance
All graphics should be submitted in the highest resolution possible, measured in dots per inch (dpi), at 100% of the size they will be printed in.
Photographs and illustrations: 300 dpi
Line drawings: 1200 dpi
Machine images: highest resolution the generating machine can produce.Graphics must be submitted as separate, high-resolution .tif, .eps, or .jpg files. They may not be submitted in PowerPoint or embedded in a Word document.
Labels, arrows, etc.: Make sure that these are very easy to interpret and also high resolution (so that they don’t look jagged or fuzzy). Do not include figure titles as part of the image.
Numbering in the text: Figure 1.1, Figure 1.2, Figure 1.3, Figure 1.4A, B, C, Figure 1.5A, etc.
File naming: Use the last name of the senior author as the first element in the file name: Cohen Figure 12.2.tif, Cohen Figure 12.5A.jpg, etc.
Be sure your figures are correctly numbered before you submit your chapter. Make sure all of your figures are referred to by number in the text.
Crop images (if necessary) before submitting them, or provide cropping instructions with the figure information in the manuscript.
Do not embed any figures within your chapter text in MS Word.
Be sure to include credit lines in the figure legends for any material that is not your own. (see Permissions and Courtesies section).
Numbering in the text and set bold: Table 1.2, Table 2.5, etc.
Cardiotext recommends using the Table function in Microsoft Word to create tables. Alternatively, use tabs to separate columns and paragraph returns to separate rows.
Final videos must be submitted as separate, individual files. The following formats are acceptable: .wmv, .mpg, .mov, .avi, .flv, .mpeg, .rm, .mp4.
Numbering in the text: Video 1.6, Video 1.8, etc.
File naming: Use the last name of the senior author as the first element in the file name: Author.Video.6.mov, Author.Video.8.mpeg, etc.
Permissions and Courtesies
Images, illustrations, tables, and videos originally created for or used for the first time in this text are best.
If you must use images, illustrations, tables, or videos that have been previously published or are owned by someone other than you, you must obtain written permission from the copyright holder, usually the publisher, artist, manufacturer, or a combination of these. Cardiotext Publishing can provide a permission request form with the information necessary for requesting permission. Make sure to secure rights for all forms of publication, (worldwide, all editions,) including but not limited to electronic publication, translation rights, and reprints.
At the end of your manuscript, include a list of all previously unpublished images provided by contributors to the chapter. All figures, diagrams, tables, and videos not in this category must have credit lines at the ends of their legends. Please use this permissions log to present the permission information for your figures and tables.
Authors are responsible for obtaining permissions and for any or all fees charged for permissions.
Granted or approved permission requests must be submitted with your manuscript. Name these documents to match the appropriate figure or table (e.g., Table 12.2 Permission.doc, Figure 12.5A Permission.pdf). Written permission from the publisher is needed even if you are the author of the previously published article or book.
Complete source information must be included at the end of the legend unless the image belongs to one of the contributors to the chapter. If the source is one of the references in your chapter, indicate the reference number and provide the page number and original figure or table number of the item when possible. Include the credit line provided by the copyright holder. If the source is a medical device company, the credit line they provide you with will be sufficient.
Tables that combine data from several sources or have been significantly revised do not require specific written permission. In such cases, the credit line should begin “Data from _____”
Patient Confidentiality
Ensure that no patient information appears anywhere in the text, images, illustrations, tables, videos, or any other part of your material.
Contributors for a Multi-Author Book
List the names, affiliations, and contact information for all contributors on the title page of your chapter. The sequence of authors should reflect the order in which you want the names to appear in the book.
Please check the Author Instructions specific to your book to see if there are restrictions on the number of authors allowed per chapter. We suggest no more than three co-authors.